Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Twitter Detox

My classmate, Sarah, blogs about finding the balance between social media and being social. I feel like I’m up to my eyeballs in social media sometimes and have recently backed away from using Twitter. I guess it's like a Twitter detox. In this post, Sarah talks about being an overactive user of Twitter (a “Tweetaholic”). I know many people who must be glued to their computers all day. Me: No thanks. I have better things to do.

Although I seem a little skeptical about social media, I’m really not. I think I’ve finally figured out that using social media is about creating a fine balance between socializing with people and socializing with your computer. To which degree? Well, whatever makes you happy!

I came across this Harvard Business blog post today when I was perusing my Google Reader. There might be a lot less business travel happening due to the current economy, but social media has proven to be a saviour when networking.

Take a look at Alexandra Samuel’s Top Ten Social Media Travel Tools list.

I hadn’t even heard of TripIt or Dopplr, social media tools developed to organize and share personal travel plans with your social network at the click of a button. These tools can help you network even before you jet set. It seems like there’s social media for everything these days.

Social media definitely makes networking a breeze—if you use it correctly. Because everyone has different views, it’s important to consider a person's preferred method of online communication. If someone you meet on a business trip likes to communicate by e-mail, use it. If someone else prefers Twitter, use it. If another person likes the phone, use it. To sum it up: use what they prefer. If you cater to what an individual wants, chances are your network will grow. What are your thoughts on this topic? Do you think social media travel tools, such as the ones above, are beneficial for business travellers?

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